Barnhart Cemetery

Barnhart Cemetery
Barnhart, Irion County, Texas

Click on the name to visit the Find A Grave Memorial. If there is not a memorial on Find A Grave the name will not have a link.

Cato, Roy
b. Feb. 1, 1896 d. Jun. 23, 1954
Chadwick, Jim
b. Dec. 10, 1924 d. Nov. 10, 2011
Cowen, Zackary Wayne
b. Dec. 12, 1980 d. Dec. 12, 1980
Fowler, Hershel Eugene
b. Nov. 6, 1923 d. Jun. 27, 2002
Grace, Robbie Rosalyn Taylor
b. Mar. 1, 1904 d. May 19, 1976
Graves, Mary Ellen McCleery
b. Oct. 7, 1917 d. Jan. 30, 2012
Jeffers, Sam Eve “Sammie”, Sr
b. Dec. 23, 1885 d. May 20, 1959
McNutt, James Isaac
b. Dec. 27, 1946 d. Mar. 3, 1974
Miller, Elbert B
b. Apr. 6, 1877 d. Oct. 18, 1941
Paine, Shirley
b. Oct. 21, 1943 d. Aug. 4, 2004
Roe, Martha Leona “Mammy” Harris
b. Sep. 9, 1909 d. Oct. 11, 2011
Turner, Claude Raymond “Rowdy”
b. Jul. 4, 1911 d. May 11, 1960
Williams, Rev James Samuel “Sam”
b. Jul. 31, 1884 d. Mar. 7, 1932

If you have photos of a cemetery, headstones/markers or information on the people buried in one of the Irion County cemeteries, or if you have transcribed a survey of a cemetery in Irion County, please consider contributing your information to The Irion County TXGenWeb Project.

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