Rest Haven Cemetery


Rest Haven Cemetery 
County Road 131              get directions
Barnhart, Irion, Texas
United States, 76930


Adams, Fannie
b. 1852 d. Nov. 26, 1931
Click, Clarissa Kenney
b. 1836 d. 1917
Etier, James Lanier, Jr.
b. 1958 d. Dec. 15, 2011
Grace, Levi Marion
b. Feb. 21, 1889 d. Apr. 28, 1964
Klassen, David J
b. 1906 d. 1995
Klassen, Frank
b. Jan. 28, 1934 d. Mar. 17, 2011
Klassen, Jay Frank
b. Jul. 30, 1954 d. Oct. 25, 1970
Klassen, Vedie Virginia
b. Oct. 15, 1909 d. Apr. 11, 1986
Nevill, Stella “Midge” Prebble
b. 1910 d. Oct. 30, 2000
Shaw, Emma V Wilcox
b. Sep. 14, 1886 d. Jun. 5, 1971
Shaw, James David
b. Nov. 28, 1878 d. Aug. 16, 1946
Turner, Hal Douglas
b. May 6, 1943 d. Dec. 3, 1992

If you have photos of a cemetery, headstones/markers or information on the people buried in one of the Irion County cemeteries, or if you have transcribed a survey of a cemetery in Irion County, please consider contributing your information to The Irion County TXGenWeb Project.

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