Confederate Pensions

Confederate Pension Application Files
Texas State Archives

Texas Confederate Veterans Pension Applications for Irion County are at the Texas State Electronic Library  and while they charge a fee for copies, it is very reasonable and they always are helpful and considerate. Also they bill with the copies. You can also order files by submitting the file information by email.

The information in the applications is very complete and usually contains parents, spouse, date of birth, date of marriage, how long in Texas, present address and how long at present address. They will also contain other family members in the references or Interrogatories, which is usually by family members.

A rejected application means usually that their service could not be verified, that they did not serve long enough, or they took the oath of allegiance before Lee surrendered the Army of the Appomattox. There can be more than one application also. If there is more than one, when you request information, all applications by that person is sent.

Claimant NameApplication NumberCountyHusbandHusband’s Application Number
Branch, J. W.02231Irion  
Brannan, George W.09714Irion  
Brock, Philpena28019IrionBrock, Emanuel 
Byler, Cirene10990IrionByler, E. R. 
Cameron, James Madison02232Irion  
Campbell, Bettie M.25385IrionCampbell, Alvin Upshaw 
Collins, Albert Gonzales32602Irion  
Collins, Dora52043IrionCollins, Albert Gonzales32602
Davis, S. T.31237Irion  
Eason, Jane02233IrionEason, Thomas G. 
Echols, Benjamin Riddle02612Irion  
Hill, Amelia L.19677IrionHill, Thomas David 
Johnston, M. J.rejIrion  
Martin, James Sheppard12460Irion  
Minor, Lee Taylor35573Irion  
Minor, N. J. (Mrs)40679IrionMinor, Lee Taylor35573
Nichols, Ben Marion21926Irion  
Sterrett, W. A.12932Irion  
Stidham, ZachariahrejIrion  
Stonehouse, E. F. (Mrs)42352IrionStonehouse, Thomas 
Wells, Henry A.rejIrion  
Westbrook, Benjamin Franklin27920Irion  
Westbrook, Mary E.35572IrionWestbrook, Benjamin Franklin27920
Williams, Hez09813Irion  

If you have any Irion Confederate  information you would like to share, please e-mail me and I will add it to this page.

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